Hi, my name's Alex, and I'm a Jesus-following software developer.
Currently, I'm a Senior Software Developer at Vehikl.
I am a full stack webdeveloper, with an emphasis on simplicity.
You might know my partner in life and crime, Erinn. You might even know that we are expecting our second baby.
We have an adopted beagle-labrador mix Rufus. Sadly, we recently lost Erinn's service dog, Harley, to cancer.
Curious if I'm up to something?
Just some things I do, some of which I get paid for.
I can speak computer. Well, just write it, I guess.
Things I use to make computers do my bidding.
Sometimes I create courses. Maybe just once...we'll see.
People that I've worked with, semi-chronological.
Some stuff that I've written that you might find interesting, unless you don't.
Feel free to follow me on social media websites. Unless that's not your thing.
Some stuff that isn't necessarily tech-related.